If you can’t find the answer to your question here, contact us at [email protected]

BFF is a unique charity model, using technology to connect donors, suppliers, charities and beneficiaries to achieve its goals thus minimising overhead costs. Embracing innovation and continuous improvement, adopting industry best practice via effective use of technology, is the secret to BFF’s success, in providing charities access to the supply of goods and services purchased from local businesses and donated by the local community, enabling these local charities to identify and assist people with benevolent needs. 

Historically, some charities in Australia use a percentage of donated funds to pay administration and running costs. The remaining funds are then used to assist beneficiaries. BFF takes on a different approach to ensure the organisation doesn’t reduce the amount donated, allowing 100% to be used to the benefit of the beneficiary.

Basically 4 parties:

  • Donors
  • Local Charities
  • Local Businesses
  • Beneficiaries

Through BFF, 100% of the money donated will be spent for the benefit of someone in need, buying goods or services from local businesses.

  • Donors receive a tax deductible receipt for their donation and the knowledge that 100% of their donation has helped someone in need and also  supporting a local business.
  • Local Charities are provided access to goods and services that they can distribute to assist those in need. It will be their responsibility to match the goods and services, to recipients, where the need is most beneficial.
  • Beneficiaries are provided with goods and services they can use to directly benefit their physical and mental wellbeing.

People will be able to donate through a smart device or webpage. Local business members will be provided advertising to use in their venue and on the BFF website to let customers know they are a BFF member. There will be QR codes to direct donors to the donation link.

Donations will accumulate; therefore, it could be a combination of donations that collectively add up to the value of the gift of goods or services the beneficiary receives.

Historically, some charities in Australia use a percentage of donated funds to pay administration and running costs. The remaining funds are then used to assist beneficiaries. BFF takes on a different approach to ensure the organisation doesn’t reduce the amount donated, allowing 100% to be used to the benefit of the beneficiary. Businesses will be paid by BFF after the beneficiary has purchased from them. At this point, a small percentage of the revenue received by the business will be retained to cover BFF administration costs.

Local businesses can become a member of BFF by paying an annual membership fee. The membership puts them on BFF’s registry where donors are able to choose the business where they would prefer their donation spent for the benefit of the beneficiary.

In addition to the above, our long-term goal is to use any surplus profits generated to further our mission and distribute to local charities as cash grants.

Yes, every donor who makes a donation in excess of $2.00 will receive a tax deductible receipt.

This will vary depending upon the local business selected and the matching of a beneficiary by a local charity to the goods or service provided by that business. The intention however is that this will occur within days of the donation being made.

Anyone who is registered for support through a Charity Partner will be able to access BFF vouchers. Registered local charities, will have access to the BFF web portal where they can register the beneficiaries and allocate appropriate and available gifts of goods and services from local businesses paid for by donors.

BFF will start in the Sutherland Shire, NSW, but will not be limited to any location or area, we expect this to become a national movement having local impact.

Donors will be able to donate anywhere, but local charities will distribute goods and services supplied by local businesses to local beneficiaries.

On the contrary, we believe the opposite will occur:

  • Many Australians who currently don’t donate are concerned as to where their money goes and how much is finally assisting beneficiaries. The BFF model will attract such donors.
  • With 100% of every donation assisting those in need and being used by local charities, this in most cases, will be a higher percentage than that previously used for the benefit of the beneficiaries but still being managed/used by those same charities.

To get started, the Charity Partner will advise BFF which services are required and an estimate of what the service will cost.

Vouchers will be issued to the Charity Partner as a digital QR Code with an amount and a business name embedded in the QR Code.

BFF will procure the services from a local business partner and once confirmed the Voucher with QR code will be emailed or SMS to the Charity Partner to share with the Beneficiary. The Beneficiary can make an appointment with the business for a service, or walk into the shop, if it is a purchase.

The QR code is scanned by the business and the transaction is finalised. No cash or money is exchanged.

The QR codes are for one time use only and once scanned, they are cancelled.

When the business scans the QR code, BFF is notified and pays the business for the value of the transaction not exceeding the value of the voucher.

Any amount exceeding the value of the voucher will need to be paid for by the Beneficiary.

Donate now

All donations over $2.00 are tax deductible. You will be issued with a receipt upon finalisation of payment.

BFF 4 Change recognises the importance of your privacy and is committed to protecting the personal information we hold about you. Read our Privacy Policy here.